Friday, 12 November 2010

Hide and seek

" Jesus left that place and went to the vincinity of Tyre. He entered a house and did not want anyone to know it; yet he could not keep his presence secret."
- Mark 7:24 (NIV)

I'm currently reading through Mark's gospel. I like to the think of it as an account of Jesus' life in fast forward. In my opinion this gospel more so than others portrays Jesus as a man of action, always on the move. Its packed full of testimonies of miraculous healings and supernatural wonders. It really is impossible to ignore these works or separate them from the personhood of Jesus.

Despite the book being packed with miracles, signs and wonders, the Holy Spirit drew to me to a much more seemingly ordinary event (the verse above). I love how the Holy Spirit can capture your attention with just about anything in the Bible. You'd think I'd be enthralled by the miracle Jesus performed a little later on in the text but on this occasion it was the above scripture that grabbed me.

Jesus could not keep His presence a secret. Wherever He went, He was always followed by large crowds. People would carry the sick to Him to be healed. Entire villages turned out to hear Him teach or witness a miracle. People always found out where He was. I found this astounding! I mean modern forms of media such as the TV, radio and internet didn’t exist back then yet He was like a superstar celebrity in His day (He still is :) today!).

Jesus was God incarnate and fully human. Therefore He needed time to rest like we all do and time alone in the presence of His Father. I suspect that when the verse says that 'He entered a house and did not want anyone to know it', He was probably tired or just wanted some time to Himself. (RANDOM THOUGHT: It does sound a little like He was playing hide and seek lol)

Anyway, it made me think. Even when Jesus didn’t want people to know where He was He could not hide Himself. His presence always gave Himself away. Because He lived life full of the Spirit there was always something distinctive about Him which made Him alluring to others. The presence of God is irresistible. It is attractive to others and it draws people to you.

This is not surprising since the Bible says that every good thing comes from God (James 1:17). Just think, EVERYTHING which is good is in God. Therefore, that must mean that anything outside of Him cannot be good. Nothing the world has to offer can truly satisfy us. Some things may be able to satisfy us temporarily or bring us fleeting pleasure, but His presence was designed to satisfy us forever. And guess what?! We have His presence dwelling within us through the person of the Holy Spirit.

When we are full of the Holy Spirit we also are unable to conceal or hide the presence of God. It just naturally overflows and permeates our lives. From the glow on our faces to the way that we conduct ourselves people around us can identify the presence of God even if they don't know what is it. They may not be able to put a finger on it but they can certainly tell that there is something about us. God ('s presence) makes us attractive people. You'll find that when you're living full of the Spirit people will be drawn to you, perhaps even without you having to do anything! I think it's amazing that when Jesus went in to this house we read in the following line that a woman whose daughter was possessed by a demon came to Him for a miracle. It obviously didn't take very long to find Him. He must have sucked at hide and seek lol.

It should be the same for us. People should know to come to us when they need a miracle or something supernatural to happen. Overflowing in the Spirit means that we are already prepared when people spontaneously come to us with a need because we have His presence in us to meet that need.

I’m in no way suggesting that we are to try and hide or conceal His presence in us but even if we tried to I don't think it would work. I encourage you to spend time in His presence and to talk to Him and to get to know Him. Fill yourself with the Spirit daily, singing (praise & thanksgiving) is a good way to do this, and you will find that your relationship with God will be fulfilling and a blessing to those around you. Moreover your happiness and strength in life comes from doing this.

I pray that God would bestow blessing and joy upon you who are reading this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Thank you for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Apologies for the massive spacing between paragraphs. My computer is being a nuisance and I can't seem to rectify it :)
